There 8 types of skin, Normal, Oily Acne Effect Skin, Combination, Oily Skin, Dry Skin, Dehydrated Skin, Mature Skin, Sensitive Skin, Couperose Skin

1. The Skin Au Philosophy

The Skin Au Philosophy is based upon the 8 circles of skincare. The 8 skin-types are:

  1. Normal Skin

  2. Oily/Acne-Affected Skin-types

  3. Combination/Oily Skin

  4. Dry Skin

  5. Dehydrated Skin

  6. Mature Skin

  7. Sensitive Skin

  8. Couperose Skin


The inner circle, Normal Skin, is where we aim for your skin to be by the end of your Skin Au Treatment program. We repair each skin condition one at a time as we work inwards towards our goal of normal skin.


2. Our Mission Statement

The Skin Au Philosophy is not that we maintain your skin condition, but that we repair it in order for our skin to work at its optimum health for our body.


3.The Foundations of our Treatment

Before we begin your treatment program, the most important course of action is to deeply cleanse the skin in order that it can be receptive to Skin Au treatment. For this, we use our Papaya Enzyme Skin Pack. Papaya Enzyme contains Papain which removes dirt and dead cells from the stratum (top layer of skin) and encourages health and regeneration of new and younger cells underneath. Papaya Enzyme is imperative in the revitalisation of your skin and it has been specifically designed to be gentle enough to work on all skin-types. Papaya Enzyme is the key to repairing your skin the Skin Au way.


4. Monitoring your Skin-Type

Treatment can then be started on your skin which involves a detailed online skin analysis using our AskAtinus tool. AskAtinus provides you with a bespoke skin care regime, tailored specifically to your skin care needs. Your skin is then analysed regularly in order to ensure you are consistently using the correct products in order to repair your skin to its full health as quickly as possible.