
Dry Skin Treatment

About the treatment

Dry skin is very easily affected by harsh weathers and extremes in temperature; it can often peel and flake in small patches and feel very tight. This can be worsened by working in harsher indoor environments such as air-conditioned offices. A Skin Organik Dry Skin Facial allows the skin to strengthen and develop a protective barrier to prevent peeling from harsh weathers. Treatment also re-hydrates skin and restores natural oil-hydric balance by stimulating the production of sebum (natural oil) so that skin can feel firm and elastic once more. Remember to use AskAtinus to find out what your skin-type is so that you can choose the appropriate facial for your skin.


service one

How to Purchase

Single Session

£ 49.00

Prepaid 6 Sessions

£ 235.20

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Prepaid 12 Sessions

£ 411.60

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