Is Coffee Dehydrating my Skin?
Is Coffee Dehydrating my Skin?

Every day, 1.6 billion cups of coffee are drank around the world. We love the taste and the pick-me up it gives to kick start us when we need it most. However, we have often been told that coffee can dehydrate us, and in turn, dehydrate our skin. But how much truth is there to this claim?


The Study


Scientist, Sophie Killer, from Birmingham University conducted a study whereby two groups were researched. One group drank water and no coffee, the other group drank only coffee. Sophie Killer not only measured urine output, but she also measured kidney function by testing their blood. This allowed her to calculate accurate hydration levels of all of the participants.


The Results



Her findings were rather surprising; the group who drank coffee were no more dehydrated than the people who had not drank any coffee! This would suggest that coffee does not dehydrate us and therefore does not have a negative impact on dehydrated skin.


Staying Hydrated



The best way to take care of your dehydrated skin is to ensure you do stay hydrated. Whether it be water, coffee or tea, the guidelines state that 2 litres of water a day is the optimum amount for your body's processes to keep ticking over. Alcohol, on the other hand, does dehydrate the body and the skin. It is important to limit your alcohol intake for the sake of your overall health – let-alone your skin's.


Using your SkinAu Dehydrated Skin Pack will ensure that your skin remains healthy and hydrated throughout your life. If your skin does become dehydrated, through your body losing too much water or illness for example, then SkinAu's Hydrating Gel Mask is perfect for a fast moisture boost into your dry, tired skin.