Does Skin Temperature Relate to Couperose Flare-ups?
Does Skin Temperature Relate to Couperose Flare-ups?

Couperose is a skin-condition whereby cell walls and capillary walls are weakened. This means that skin can become thinner and capillaries are more visible to the eye. When blood flows to the surface of the skin through these capillaries, they dilate. Because of the weakened walls, the capillaries cannot return to their normal size and our skin is left with a red complexion, sometimes with small bumps or pimples.


It is not fully knows what causes Couperose to happen, however researchers have begun to find some contributing factors. A recent study has looked at how skin-temperature relates to Couperose; Dr. Mark V. Dahl, chairman of Dermatology, Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, and Dr. Patrick M. Schlievert, professor of Microbiology, University of Minnesota Medical School conducted studies on patients both with and without Couperose. They noted that, on all patients, when skin was at a higher temperature, bacteria on the skin released harmful toxins which could potentially damage and inflame the skin.


People who suffer from Couperose will know that the areas of skin which are red and affected tend to be hotter than other areas of your skin. This means that bacteria are more likely to release these harmful toxins and further inflame your skin.


In order to tackle this issue, it is firstly wise to monitor your skin temperature. If you notice you are becoming too hot, take measures to cool down. Drinking ice-cold water is an excellent idea as it will also hydrate your skin. Spending too much time in the sun will certainly raise your skin-temperature and the sun's harmful UV-rays can damage your Couperose skin even further. Ensure you wear a good quality sun lotion of SPF15 or above to protect your skin a little more.


SkinAus Couperose Skin Pack contains excellent treatments to cool and soothe Couperose skin whilst helping to rebuild and repair skin cells and capillary walls. Their Anti-Couperose Gel builds up the skin's own defence system and increases vascular circulation. The gel is cooling and soothing and will not only aid your Couperose, it will lower your skin temperature making it less likely for bacteria to produce harmful toxins that can inflame your skin.