Combination/Oily skin is essentially two different skin-types existing at once. You will have dry skin around the cheeks, jawline and neck alongside an oily T-zone. Combination/oily skin can be tricky to treat correctly as a product aimed to increase oil production for dry skin can inadvertently increase the oil production on your T-zone! You will, in fact be no further forward in treating your combination/oily skin.
The issue with combination/oily skin, however, is that the oil can clog in your pores with dirt and grime and, if not treated properly, this can cause break-outs of spots. In some cases, this results in acne and scarring where the spots form.
It is very important that you treat your combination/oily skin correctly and regularly so that you do not put yourself at risk of spots and pores becoming inflamed and progressing to acne.
Skinau's Combination/Oily Skin Pack contains an excellent range of products for the prevention of acne. It includes a Deep Cleansing Gel which refreshes and cools skin whilst cleaning any clogged pores and diminishing spots. Another product in this range is the Combination Day Moisturiser. This product deeply hydrates and moisturises dry skin without stimulating the sebaceous glands – the glands which produce your skin's oil – so that risks of acne are significantly reduced.
If, however, your skin has begun to develop acne, SkinAu offers a range of treatment to combat this and return your skin to a balanced, harmonious state. SkinAu's Acne Repair Cream is intended for intensive treatment of acne-affected areas; it calms and soothes irritated skin whilst addressing the chemical imbalance associated with the sebaceous glands.
In order to keep your face clean and free from infection, SkinAu's Papaya Enzyme Pack breaks through dirt and grime on the surface of the skin and helps to remove dead skin cells. This allows new cells underneath to grow and regenerate to give your skin a healthy glow.