Is Hayfever Affecting My Skin?
Is Hayfever Affecting My Skin?

For people with a sensitive skin-type, the summer months can be somewhat of a dread. Sensitive skin-sufferers often fall into the category of 'atopic'. This is a broad term meaning that the body is more reactive to certain things and this can present itself through skin irritation, rashes and other responses such as asthma exacerbations in people with breathing conditions. If you suffer from Hayfever, summer may not be the happy and bright season it's cut out to be.


Hayfever is a condition where the body is allergic to pollens. When the body comes into contact with pollen, 'histamine' is produced in order for the body to fight off the pollen. It is the histamine in our bodies which cause us to break out in itchy, red skin areas, itchy eyes and begin sneezing uncontrollably!


Many people tend to ignore the fact, however, that these skin irritations can worsen and become more long-term if the skin is left untreated. Once the skin is irritated, it can dry out and consistent itching of the area can damage the skin even further.


SkinAu's Sensitive Skin Pack contains an excellent range of treatments which you can use in those summer months where Hayfever causes your skin to become irritated. Their Sensitive Skin Pack is calming, soothing and works to gently balance the skin's natural pH levels. Moreover, the specially tailored ingredients enhance skin tissue and help rebuild damaged cells and capillary walls – this is perfect for irritated and dry skin which has been damaged by excessive itching!


For the most sensitive and affected areas, SkinAu's Centella Skin Repair Gel can have outstanding, soothing results. The Centella plant has been used for generations for medicinal purposes and its most common and effective use is to soothe excessively damaged skin. Centella has had great success when used to treat patients with 3rd degree burns and is highly effective in treating allergy-related skin flare-ups.


Remember that it is important to visit a healthcare professional in order to treat Hayfever internally through the use of anti-histamines and other medication; this will also aid in skin soothing. Skin care is important all year-round, however during periods when you know your skin suffers, it is vital to keep up with a reliable and effective skin-care routine so that your skin can effectively protect your body.