Acne and Depression
Acne and Depression

Acne could be labelled as the most upsetting skin condition to live with. Many sufferers experience scarring and the extremely visible effects on the face can lead to a sharp decline in mental health. Many people with acne have been known to suffer from agoraphobia, a condition whereby the sufferer feels too depressed or self-conscious to leave the house. This can be debilitating and have a lasting negative impact on your health.


Some of the world's most confident and outgoing people have been impacted by the effects of acne. In a recent interview, Miley Cyrus (not exactly known as the shy-type) disclosed her history of being bullied at school because of her acne:



“I went through a time where I was really depressed,


“Like, I locked myself in my room and my dad had to break my door down.


“It was a lot to do with... I had really bad skin and I felt really bullied because of 



At a sensitive time in our lives such as puberty, our image is one of the most important things to us and the people around us. Even if others don't perceive something as a problem, we can feel that it is a problem ourselves and this can lead to depression.

Often, once acne has caused people to go down the route of depression, many doctors simply treat the symptoms rather than the cause. Anti-depressant medication and therapy are often prescribed to help patients with their low mood and lack of motivation to socialise. However, treating the root of the depression is the key to resolving the issue.

Acne is a skin condition which must be treated vigorously with a reliable and effective skin-care routine. Without this treatment, acne can develop and progress and lead to depression. Treating acne from its very first signs and maintaining a rigorous skin-care treatment plan can prevent a person from leading to depression.

SkinAu's Oily/Acne Affected Skin Pack is a safe, effective and targeted treatment for acne. It restores the skin's natural pH and deeply cleanses pores to prevent the spread of infection. For more rigorous treatment for sore and irritated areas of your acne, SkinAu's Acne Repair Cream helps to soften scar tissue and repairs the skin to get it back to its natural state.

Remember that your acne does not have to beat you; there are several products available from SkinAu which will allow your skin to repair and give you a confidence boost. Depression does not have to take over your life and neither does your acne.