How Does my Dry Skin Change with the Weather?
How Does my Dry Skin Change with the Weather?

Dry skin can be a product of where you live and the work you do. Living in a country where the weather changes drastically, and there are large extremes in temperature, can take its toll on your dry skin. Further to this, working outside only exacerbates the problem and it can be very difficult to get a handle on treating your skin effectively and consistently.


Dry skin can be categorised by showing no evident pores, having flaky and peeling areas and showing fine lines. Extremes in weather can cause and worsen these symptoms and it is important to know how to care for the skin when it needs it most!


Cold, windy weather has the potential to thin your skin. Your body reacts to cold, icy weather by closing the blood vessels near the surface of the skin so that we do not lose too much heat. However, this means that the skin does not get the oxygen and nutrients carried in the blood as effectively as usual. Your skin's natural defences are lowered and your dry skin becomes more flaky and this can cause thinning.


SkinAu's Dry Skin Pack contains a Re-hydrating Day Moisturiser which provides intensive hydration to the areas of your skin that need it most after exposure to such harsh weathers. Repeated use of this moisturiser will mean that your skin can better cope with harsh cold days so that, even when you're waiting for the bus in the snow, your face will be glowing!


When you are lucky enough to enjoy the warmer weathers, this can also throw up its challenges for your skin; hot weather of course means that moisture is drawn from your skin through evaporation. The difficulty here is that, in warmer weather, we need to drink more water. This is essential so that our bodies can continue to keep ticking over. However, there is a tendency for us to drink too much water because we believe that the more water we drink, the better we are. 


Once the body is hydrated, the brain sends a message to the skin's sebaceous glands to tell them not to produce any more sebum (the oily substance that hydrates and moisturises our skin). If the brain knows the body is over-hydrated, then the skin temporarily stops producing sebum and our skin dries out further. Therefore, it is important to stick to the recommended guidelines of drinking 2 litres of water a day so that we do not become over-hydrated. Of course, this must be raised if you are doing physical work in heat, however the key is finding the correct balance.


An excellent way to combat this is to use SkinAu's Re-hydrating Mask from their Dry Skin Pack. This boost of hydration and moisturiser allows the skin to regain balance and begin to repair itself. Following the Dry Skin Pack regime allows your skin to look healthy and beautiful no matter what the weather!