Caring for Your Combination/Oily Skin During Summer
Caring for Your Combination/Oily Skin During Summer

Summer's heat can sometimes take its toll on our bodies. We can become lethargic and dehydrated and without proper care, our bodies simply cannot withstand to work in high heat. The effects of this can be short term; for example temporary dehydration can be combated by regularly drinking water to replenish lost fluids through sweat. However, longer-term effects of this can be seen on our skin. Left without treatment, this can cause problems for your skin-type which will need to be addressed.


For sufferers of combination/oily skin, the Summer months can wreak havoc on the appearance and health of your skin. Combination/oily skin usually consists of dry skin around the cheek and neck area with an oily T-zone. The problem with dry skin and spending time in heat, is that the skin can become even more dry and flaky, as these parts of your skin are unable to produce enough oil. The skin's natural hydration is not being replenished, in fact it is being further diminished by heat and this needs to be cared for intensively to ensure the skin's flakiness does not progress.


Furthermore, your T-zone is producing too much sebum - the oily substance our skin needs to stay hydrated. This is what causes the oily sheen around your forehead. Unfortunately, when oily skin is greeted with high temperatures and mixed with sweat, the skin can become dirty, pores can become clogged and spots and break-outs can form.


This is where Skin Au's Combination/Oily Skin Pack can treat all symptoms simultaneously without you having to worry about buying several products, without the trust and faith that they will help to repair your skin! Firstly, the Deep Cleansing Gel removes all excess oil, dirt and sweat from pores so that the skin can begin to return to its natural pH levels. Secondly, the Balancing Lotion does not contain alcohol so it is a non-irritant and it does not dry the skin unnecessarily. The Balancing Lotion can help to get rid of any minor imperfections such as spots. Finally, the Combination Day and Night Moisturisers allow for intensive re-hydration of the skin without stimulating oil production to protect your T-zone from becoming greasy.


Importantly, you must remember to protect your skin with sun cream of SPF15 or higher. It is not just the heat that can damage your skin, the sun's harmful UV-rays can play a part in skin-deterioration too! UV-rays can contribute to thinning of the skin, and in your dry, flaky areas, this can damage capillary walls and possibly lead to conditions such as Couperose.


Following these tips, you should be able to enjoy your summer while your skin looks and feels glowing, healthy and rejuvenated!