Couperose is one of the most visible skin conditions and causes redness on the face. It can be very difficult to cover up as the skin becomes damaged and unable to return to its normal state. When blood rushes to the face, your capillaries, which carry the blood, become dilated. Sometimes, the capillaries cannot return to their normal state and so the face appears red and flushed. The capillary walls become weak and the skin needs extra help to repair itself.
In some cases, Couperose can be prevented. Couperose can progress from any skin-type, however it is most likely to progress from untreated sensitive skin. The main problem with sensitive skin is that skin can become thinner and weaker, and therefore capillaries are more visible on the face. Sensitive skin must be cared for correctly otherwise complications such as Couperose can arise.
Firstly, treating sensitive skin is vital so that you are able to prevent Couperose from occurring. SkinAu's Sensitive Skin Pack is an excellent treatment to prevent Couperose if you have a sensitive-skin type. The Skin Pack enhances tissue so that the skin is able to improve the integrity of capillary walls which will allow them to maintain their proper function to dilate and then return to normal.
Secondly, protecting your face from extreme heat and harsh weather conditions can go a long way to preventing Couperose. Because Couperose is caused by skin thinning, it is important to realise that there are aspects of our environment and our day-to-day life which can damage and thin our skin. For example, if the weather is extremely harsh with a cold wind, this can cause your skin to dry out and it may not produce enough natural oil to keep it healthy. This can lead to thinning of the skin so that capillaries are visible and this could progress to Couperose.
Remember that prevention is better than cure here and looking after your skin to ensure that conditions do not arise is a much more beneficial and cost-effective way to treat your skin-type.