Acne can be an extremely difficult skin condition to live with. Not only can it feel uncomfortable and irritated, but it can also affect your self-esteem as it can be quite unsightly and is very difficult to cover up. This can lead to altered-mood and often deteriorate a person's mental health. In short, acne can lead to more problems than just a skin condition and it is important to gather a little information on what acne really is and how best to cope with it.
What is Acne?
Acne is a chronic skin condition whereby the sebaceous glands in the face produce too much sebum – the skin's natural oil. This causes excessive spots, blackheads and whiteheads. These spots can sometimes scar the face and so unsightly and sore patches can be visible on the cheeks and head.
Who is Most Prone to Acne?
When we hit puberty, our hormones can cause the pH levels of our skin to change and can cause the sebaceous glands to become over-active. This is when most acne sufferers will see the worst effects of this skin condition. Unfortunately, this unsightly condition hits most of us when we are at the most body-conscious!
Changes We Can Make
There are some easy lifestyle changes we can make to help our skin begin to repair itself so that we can look and feel our healthiest. Acne responds well to a combination of treatments and so it is worth trying as many things as possible to help your skin to rejuvenate.
Firstly, diet changes are important. Carbohydrates and sugar can all stimulate oil production in the skin and so substitutions can be made in what we eat. For example, if you take sugar in tea or coffee then switch to sweeteners. Carbohydrates are an important part of your diet so it is not advisable to cut them out completely, however too many can contribute to the worsening of acne. Substitutions can be made such as trying sweet potato chips instead of normal chips. Always remember to consult your doctor, however, when considering changing your diet.
Secondly, stress levels can contribute to making your acne more severe. It is important to take some time out to de-stress and learn some techniques to allow you to switch off from a busy day. A very easy and widely used relaxation technique is meditation. The simplest form of meditation involves sitting or lying in a quiet room with your eyes closed. Simply focus on your breath and try to feel the temperature as the air goes in and leaves your body. Notice if it is warmer or colder when you breathe in and out. If thoughts come in to your mind, don't worry about them, just let them pass and allow them to flow back out of your mind. Practicing this every day can improve the severity of your acne and give you a more peaceful mind.
Finally, finding the right products to treat acne can be difficult. SkinAu's Oily/Acne Affected Skin Pack contains an Anti-Acne Mask which not only gives you some time out to relax, but it also thoroughly cleanses and sanitises skin to prevent the spread of infection whilst stimulating the skin's natural defences to restore pH balance.
In most cases, acne greatly improves once a person reaches their 20's, however your skin will need continued treatment to ensure that it stays healthy and that break-outs can be prevented.